Performance Ensemble: Creatives for Social Justice Workshop

Performance Ensemble is generating a new show titled “Soup”. “Soup” is an original performance based off of the children’s story “Stone Soup” and was collaboratively written and produced by the Performance Ensemble. Directed by Dr. Jeanine M. Mingé, the work intersects personal narratives about community building, the seven deadly sins, and civility in an uncivil society. We aim to foster dialogue about how our actions and inaction impact one another in our daily lives. Each show will be followed by a post-performance community discussion/dialogue.

Event: Performance by CSU Northridge’s Performance Ensemble 
Date:Wednesday, April 5, 8:00 p.m.
Where:Dance Studio Theater, ENS 200 

Event: Workshops with SDSU Students and Ensemble 
Date:Thursday and Friday, April 6-7 
Where:Dance Studio Theater, ENS 200  

Event: Performance with SDSU students and Performance Ensemble 
Date:Saturday, April 8 at 7 p.m.
Where: Dance Studio Theater, ENS 200 


Topic: Performance Ensemble: Creatives for Social Justice Workshop

Event: A Social Justice Tour
San Diego State University
The Common Experience: MOVEMENT

Faculty Leader: Kurt Lindeman, Ph.D., and Patricia Geist-Martin Ph.D., School of Communication, and Dr. Jeanine Minge, Director of the Performance Ensemble

Performance Flyer