Making the Invisible Visible: Investigating scientific concepts through movement
Students will work in two groups of 15 max with a dancer and scientist to create a dance based on a scientific theme. They will physically investigate the underlying basic scientific principles. Dance will be used to transpose information from one domain (science) into another (art). A short movie, pictures, and explanations of a scientific concept will be the inspiration. The first one hour meeting will be with all students and both themes will be introduced from a scientific viewpoint. The second one hour meeting will again be for all and introduce the students to dance concepts/methods. During the third hour workshop the groups will split and each produce a short dance that will be recorded. Science and dance faculty/postdocs/grad. students will be recruited from around campus. Through scientific techniques and dance, the motion of radioactive particles and cosmic rays will be made visible in a cloud chamber, and the motion of small particles and viruses will be made visible using fluorescence.
Students of the Modern Physics class have been working with the Division of Dance University Dance Company to create dance choreography based on scientific themes. Dance is used to transpose information from one domain (science) into another (art). During the common experience event the students will share this process with the audience and share short clips illustrating the process. In addition, a guest speaker Shaila Kotadia from stem-danceology will share examples of how she “makes science move”. This will be a 2.5 hour event. During the first hour Dr. Kotadia and Profs Alter and Baljon will present their work at the interface of science and dance. This will be followed by a panel discussion in which the SDSU students involved will participate as well (approximately 4pm-5pm). Reception Following.
Topic: Making the Invisible Visible: Investigating scientific concepts through movement
Event: Making the Invisible Visible: The School of Music and Dance’ University Dance Company performs the fruit of the collaboration between faculty and students of the Physics and Dance departments at SDSU.
Dates: Friday March 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday March 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday March 19, at 2 p.m.
Where: Dance Studio Theater, ENS 200
Symposium: Making the Invisible Visible: A collaboration between Physics and Dance
Dates: Thursday, March 23 at 3-6 p.m.
Where: Dance Studio Theater, ENS 200
Faculty Leader: Arlette Baljon Ph.D., Department of Physics in Collaboration with The Division of
Dance’ University Dance Company